Friday, January 20, 2012

Treadmill Desk - Day 8 - 236lbs

Where does the time go?

I work 8 hours a day. I'm either walking or standing the whole time.  It seems like I'm walking a lot more than I am standing still.  I usually walk 90 minutes, stand 30.  At the end of the day I walk less and stand more and there are other times of the day when I stop the treadmill.  I've also been stopping for phone calls.   I find walking even .5mph difficult while on the phone, and I also worry about the noise.

All in all, I should be walking just shy of 6 hours a day.  So, why is it that I only walked 4:45 on Tuesday, and after 6 hours of work today I only walked 4 hours?  Where is that other hour going?  Am I just forgetting to log some time, or am I just forgetting to carry the 1?

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