I'm not sure how to number the days. Days spent on the treadmill? Days since I started with it? I've decided to go with days since I started.
So, I felt fine the morning after my first day, and even enjoyed a little walk-n-blog before work. Then I say at my desk for a few hours and when I stood up, I could hardly move. It was how I expected to feel when I woke up, and it was a nice surprise when I didn't feel that sore. So, when the soreness did set in, I was really only surprised with the timing.
I didn't walk all weekend, even though I had plans to. I just couldn't get the motivation to go into the basement and get setup. As Walker Desk Ranger said location matters. If my treadmill had been in the living room where my wife was watching TV, I probably would have walked. It's a short term problem, I would like have acclimated to walking all day, and move my treadmill to the office within a month.
It's amazing how quickly you get used to the walking, and how comfortable you become upping the speed. I spent most of my walk-n-blog at 1.5mph on Friday, and today that feels a little slow. As I said Friday, I don't have any real desire to walk much faster, but I do want it to be as comfortable as possible, and if that means walking faster...
One of my stated goals of the walking desk is to lose some of the weight I've put on in the past couple years. The Mayo clinic study used an estimate of 100 Calories per hour for all it's participants who were walking at .7mph. I'm using a formula I found somewhere on the web that works out to be .6*miles*weigh in pounds. At my current weight that works out to be ~140 Calories/mile. So, if I walk 6 miles a day, that's 840 Calories. There are 3500 Calories in a pound of fat, so I should be able to lose .2 pounds per day walking on the treadmill.
Not that I expect to actually lose that weight everyday. I try to weigh myself every morning after I pee and before I eat (I've forgotten for days now), my weight can fluctuate up or down 3-4 lbs per day, depending on what I eat and how hydrated I am. So, I'm going to be looking for an overall trend of losing about 1 pound per week. After I'm weighing myself regularly I'll start tracking my weight in a 7 day moving average, and track weight loss in a 14 day average to smooth out those bumps.
Of course that requires that I don't eat extra just because of all of the exercise I'm doing...
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