Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Treadmill desk - Day 14 - 232.4lbs

My last two days walking have been 7.5 and 8 mile days.  Today I walked for a total of 5 hours and 8 miles.  Did I really just stand for 3 hours?  Am I being abducted by aliens?

There is definitely a limit to how far I can walk, and it seems to be around 8 miles.  I had covered 6 miles in a little more than 3 hours walking (4 hours real time) before lunch.  After lunch I walked for 2 hours, only covering 2 miles.  Maybe my endurance will build up as time goes on.

The standing hasn't really bothered me at all, which has surprised me some.  I usually get achy standing around at the mall, or a boat show or wherever I'm expected to stand for extended periods.  Maybe something about the desk makes my posture a little better.

I think I'm ready to take my desk to work.  Maybe this weekend.  Once there I think I'll try to walk 4 days a week, the 5th day I'll most likely be working from home.  The first hurdle will be getting the treadmill out of the basement.

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